Friday, September 12, 2008

My thoughts on death

Dear friends,

Death is reality, every person who bears, will surely die. One day he leaves his physical clothes of body. He will not breathe and doctor will declare dead.
I think, we should always remember this truthness. Our soul is immortal but our body is mortal. You should see the death body so that you will realize that one day, we will also become same. So never speak lie, never take illegal gratification. Do not abuse any other person. Do not take any action for troubling others.

We do not fear from the death but we should face it bravely. We always think that death is an opportunity for us to meet our god. Without death how can we meet and absorb in our god. Our god is powerful, and we are the son of our god, the why we are fearing with very good thing that is death. But if you learn not to fear with death, you can carry revolution in your society and country. Our all freedom fighter were not fear with death. We should also learn from these freedom fighters. They had fight against cruelty of English people, for this they hung with ropes.
Tips for removing the fear of death
  • Always pray of God for giving power to becoming brave.
  • Always think that death is just change your clothes not end of you .
  • Always remember it that what is your position . Why are you prouding on I .
  • Death means convertion of human body in five different organs , like air , water , soil , fire and sky

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